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How to Nail the Catering for Your Outdoor Event in Mid-Missouri

Argyle Catering • Sep 01, 2022
Argyle Catering Can Bring You a Buffet of Quality Outdoor Catering in Mid-Missouri

Argyle Catering Will Make Sure You Have the Perfect Outdoor Event Catering in Jefferson City, Rolla, or Columbia, MO   

There’s something extra special about enjoying a meal with loved ones in the sunshine outdoors, but there’s also extra planning involved. From the menu planning to the impending weather conditions, it’s important to plan ahead if you want to nail your outdoor catering experience in mid-Missouri. With these helpful tips and Argyle Catering’s expertise, you’ll throw the outdoor catering event of a lifetime!

Familiarize yourself with the outdoor catering venue & discuss it with your caterer in Mid-Missouri 

Before you do anything else, talk to your caterer about when and where you plan to host your outdoor catering event. Think about the number of guests you will need to accommodate and seating arrangements. Discuss these matters ahead of time with your caterers, and if applicable, the property manager, so they can form the best course of action for this mid-Missouri event. Argyle Catering provides efficient full-service catering for Jefferson City, Rolla, and Columbia, MO events.

Design the menu accordingly for your mid-Missouri outdoor catering event 

Next is the fun part: choosing the menu! What kind of event is this? Are you looking for outdoor bbq catering in mid-Missouri? Is it an outdoor wedding? You should also plan the food based on venue conditions. For example, if it’s going to be hot outside, make sure plenty of refreshments are provided. Or if it’s a more upscale event such as a wedding, try to avoid messier foods like chicken wings. For your convenience, Argyle Catering offers meals for all types of catering events in mid-Missouri with our diverse menu.

Our Menu

Plan ahead if weather complications in the Jefferson City, MO area may affect your catering event 

As stated by Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. Of course, nobody wants to face complications with their outdoor catering event, least of all your caterers. This is why it’s important to monitor the forecast leading up to your event, and implement a “plan B” in case it rains in the Columbia, Jefferson City, or Rolla, MO area. Additionally, if the weather is going to be particularly hot, it’s a good idea to provide fans and tents to keep your guests comfortable. 

For the Best Outdoor Wedding, Corporate Picnic, or Party Catering in Mid-Missouri, Call the Award-Winning Catering Company, Argyle Catering 

Impress the guests at your next outdoor catering event with a trusted catering company in mid-Missouri like Argyle Catering. Our resourceful and expert chefs have pleased catering guests for years, winning 1st place in “Jefferson City’s Best Catering Company of 2022”. Contact us today and start your unforgettable outdoor catering event in the mid-Missouri area!

Plan Your Outdoor Catering
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